At Orkestro, we strive to work with the world's best courier services to provide robust and quick delivery of products and goods to our customers. It follows that we have integrated with Onfleet, one of the most advanced last-mile delivery platforms built, to facilitate the use of their platforms to be an active courier on the Orkestro platform.
Why connect Onfleet with Orkestro?
  • Access to demand
    Once connected to Orkestro, a fleet gains access to the entirety of the Orkestro platform, being able to make deliveries to thousands of additional merchants. The best part is, you are under no obligation to deliver these extra jobs; if you've capped out the capacity of your drivers, simply push the jobs back into the Orkestro system.
  • Safety net during peak hours
    In Orkestro's experience, peak season can be a demanding time - Christmas, New years, Valentine's day, to name a few, and we often see that fleets are not able fulfil all their deliveries. With the motivation to give your customers the best experience, if your fleet is suddenly overloaded with work, you can push any job back into the Orkestro system.
  • Complete management of Availability and Pricing
    When connecting to the Orkestro system, you can fully customise the availability of your fleet (this is even customisable to specific Merchants). Orkestro also provides a fully configurable pricing engine and collects the payment of each delivery from our merchants to pay you directly.